4 Quotes For Inspiration

As I started to think about this post I realised how quickly it could spiral out of control into a 100,000 word epic. I’m not even a quote fanatic, but the more I think about it there are lots of little quotes and sayings that I live by every day without even realising, and that’s before we get on to the ones that are event-specific!So I thought I’d start us off with some Simple & Season quotes - introductory quotes, if you will, that have inspired me in trying to simplify and connect with the seasons more. Hopefully they’ll do the same for you too.

On things

William Morris quote

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” - William Morris

Yes, before Marie Kondo there was William Morris. As the godfather of Arts & Crafts, I prefer to follow Morris as his quote seems to allow for more cosiness and seems altogether more forgiving (and easy to follow).Nothing comes into our house now that I do not truly, deeply love, unless it’s, you know, a spatula. I ask myself in shops whether this is beautiful enough to be allowed shelf space - it definitely helps you to curb your spending. Following this philosophy helps you to really curate what you own, rather than going on BUY IT ALL frenzies.

On the seasons

The poem ‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann is just awesome life quote after awesome life quote, so it will probably feature a lot in upcoming posts (it’s already been in my post about finding unique art). I have been a cheaty cheat and included two quotes here - neither are specifically about the seasons but both remind me of them somehow. They both feel like they’re about living at the same pace as the natural world, which is what Simple & Season is all about.Go Placidly... in the sky

“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence” - Max Ehrmann

This is the first line of the poem, and the first Desiderata quote I saw. It chimes with my little introvert personality, and also reminds us to set our own pace, pay attention to what we want to see and take time to enjoy the small things.You Are A Child Of The Universe

“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars…” - Max Ehrmann

I love this quotes because it reminds us that we are nature, we’re a part of the circle of life, and we have a responsibility to waste less and do more to protect the land we walk on.

On exploring

Two Roads

“Two road diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost

This is a classic (from 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost), but it’s the one that comes up most often in my life. There is not one walk I go on where I don’t think this to myself or use it to persuade my companion. Out walking there is sometimes a reason that the path less traveled by is just that (i.e., it’s overgrown with brambles and the views are the other way). But 9 times out of 10, it does make all the difference. 

What quotes do you remember and find inspirational?


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