A Letter on Not Giving Up

My friends, I'm writing to apologise. This last week I've been neglectful. Not only of this blog, but of our shared goals and dreams, and of what I set out to do with Simple & Season. I've not been out walking, I've not been writing, I've not been updating my Happiness Planner and I've certainly not been eating seasonally. I've had Dominos pizza more than once the last 4 weeks when I should have been making lovely Mid Week Eats for you all.The fact is I've been busy and away with work and we've had some not-serious-but-nevertheless-bad-news. And, to be honest, I'm tired. I'm so tired. Three months of burning the candle at both ends with a flamethrower has taken it's toll. I've been sniffly, had some bad back pain and have just been generally under the weather. And all that could comfort me was a box of grease.The reason I'm saying all of this is because sometimes it's inevitable to feel sad and lost. To feel like giving up and doing what's easy. I don't want this blog to be all perfect pictures of succulents and never letting ourselves off the hook. Over here we do our best and sometimes we fail because we're busy people trying to make a go of life.The important thing is to acknowledge it. To say 'yes, I'm tired, so now I'm going to sleep till noon and then do something about it'. D and I are going away next weekend for a much-needed break in a cabin, during which I think I'm mainly going to lie down and watch as the leaves change colour. I have a few posts to share with you this week, but hopefully after next weekend I will come back refreshed, reinvigorated and ready to get back on the Simple & Season train with you all.In the mean time, I just wanted to let you know that it's ok to struggle as long as you get yourself out of it. I also wanted to reassure you, and myself, that I hadn't given up. Lots of love x


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