How To Create Your Own Escape

There's something powerful about an escape, right?Last weekend we had our long awaited weekend away in the Forest of Dean. We were using a Christmas present to stay at Forest Holidays in a cabin in the woods (with a hot tub!). Given our recent run of bad luck it was much needed, although the bad luck did follow us and my car broke down on the way. But the main thing is we got there, we had some great food (more on that in a future post) and we reconnected and just chilled. Something I’ve not done much of lately.And it has been so valuable. I now feel so excited and inspired to write and take pictures and connect with you guys. This feeling is so infectious that I wanted to give you my tips for how to create it with your own refreshing escape… Rule number one of the Simple & Season escape is that you don’t do, or even think about, anything you're ‘supposed’ to do. You don’t work, clean, go on social media or catch up with blogging (if you want to do that I’d recommend reading Flourishing Freelancer’s post on creating your own writer’s retreat). The time needs to be spent stewing in your own thoughts, luxuriating in simple decadences and feeling like the best you.Whether you have a few hours, a day, a weekend or more, there are lots of options for your own escape…. 

Get wet

I’m no anthropologist, but there is definitely something about water (preferably hot and in a tub), that is undeniably attractive to humans.Hot tub in the woods

In a few hours…

One of my favourite ways to pass an hour is swimming. I love the rhythm of the strokes and letting your mind wander into plans and dreams as the water streams past you. And there’s no beating that unique roaring silence that you only get under water. If that’s a bit more activity than you’re looking for in your escape, then run your perfect bath – piping hot, bubbles of choice, drinks (is it just me or do baths make you really thirsty?!) and your current read. There is also something so decadent about having a bath in the middle of the day if your escape is at the weekend.

In a day or weekend…

Check out local hotels for any spa deals and plonk yourself down in a hot tub for as long as you’ve got. you don’t need to be in the water for a relaxing escape. Check out river cruises where you can sit out on the deck with a book listening to the water or watch it slip gently past. 

Reconnect with nature

The great outdoors has medicinal properties (according to me). Fresh air, vitamin D, beautiful things and fellow life. There’s nothing like reconnecting with nature to reground you, which makes it such a perfect escape.Handfuls of chestnuts

If you have a few hours…

Go for a walk. It could be somewhere new, it could be your local park. Go with fresh eyes, ready to notice every little thing and collect stories or photos. Let the rhythm of your steps lull you and listen to the wind in the trees and other people’s conversations. Take a flask with you, or grab a coffee on the way, and find a spot to sit and read and imagine your in a film.

If you have day or a weekend…

Maybe like us you’ve got time to hire a cabin (or a secluded Airbnb), close the doors, light a fire and play scrabble, catch up on conversations and eat heartily. Time to spend days walking the woods or the coast and head into little cafes in little towns for breakfast.If all you’ve got is a day head out on a day trip - you’re only a drive or a train away from anywhere. Head to the coast and crunch along a beach, combing for the prettiest pebbles and running away from the creeping surf before steaming up the car with fresh fish and chips. Explore one of our National Parks or come and see me and I’ll take you to my favourite haunts…

Have an adventure

They say change is as good as a rest, and I subscribe to that. I’ve never been one to spend a two week holiday laying by a pool, but always feel well-refreshed after climbing rocks and exploring on my holidays.Wellies in the woods

If you have a few hours…

Be a tourist in your own town. Go to that place you’ve never got round to, visit a gallery, have lunch at that new restaurant. Lose time browsing in a book shop and adding to your ‘to read’ list or visit a farm shop or market and spend the afternoon experimenting in the kitchen.

If you have a day or a weekend…

Go to the place you've always wanted to. A weekend in the Lake District, a scenic railway journey, a day out in a new city. Spend time doing your kind of exploring, just forget your thoughts, learn new things and make sure you drunk every single detail in. 

Do what makes you happy

Most importantly, whatever you do, however long you spend doing it, make sure it makes you happy. Whether it’s working out, reading, walking, eating or walking the bloody tight rope, just make sure you do. Banish your practical thoughts and recharge those batteries ready to kick ass once you come back to the real world. For more photos of my escape, follow me on Instagram

What would you do on your escape?


Mid Week Eat: Blue Squash Gnocchi


How To Force Yourself Outside