Grow With Soul Ep. 26: Coaching Episode - Starting Your Marketing When You've Been Avoiding It with Christina Paul

Episode 26_ Starting Your Marketing When You've Been Avoiding It

Today is a coaching episode with Christina Paul, a web designer and copywriter to helps Heart Workers with their brand clarity to feel fully expressed in their words and websites. Christina has been avoiding marketing her business, but now she’s introducing a new offering and feels empowered to share her message, she wants to start slowly and quietly being more visible. In this episode we talk about how to think about marketing and the customer journey, how to introduce new offerings aligned with your purpose, what jobs your channels need to do and how to be consistent with your activities.


Here's what we talk about in this episode:

  • Christina’s business journey itching to be more creative

  • Finding what drives you

  • Balancing space versus doing your marketing

  • Time and pleasure tracking to help you balance your time

  • Having a purpose for your channels and marketing

  • How all the channels can work together

  • Using your Why in your content to attract dream clients

  • Centring everything around the website

  • Using a free workbook to introduce yourself to the world

  • Creating your marketing for your audience, not because what you think you should do for your ‘job title’

  • Consistency on Instagram

  • Having themed days to keep focused on tasks

Links and resources we discuss:

Pin for later:


Grow With Soul Ep. 27: Pinterest Q&A with Curly Carrot


Grow With Soul Ep. 25: From A Seed Of An Idea To Planning Your Launch