Grow With Soul: Ep. 45 Fun Not Fear with Allie LeFevere

Fun Not Fear with Allie LeFevere

 Today I am joined by Allie LeFevere the founder of humour based marketing agency, Obedient. I was really keen to get Allie on the show as I knew she could provide a really interesting new take, that would provide a new prospective on all of our struggles.  We dig into using fun as an alternative to fear based marketing and the science begin it, we discuss  examples of humour led marketing,  we talk about what to do if you don't think you are funny and we leave you with some really practical exercises to take away and start to use to really differentiate yourself through your copy and your imagery.


Here's what we talk about in this episode:

  • Allie's journey and story;

  • Why your clients are drawn to you

  • Understanding your customer

  • How to position your brand with personality

  • Resonating with your client

  • How to inject humour into what you are doing and stand out in your industry with examples

  • Looking at ways to communicate with your audience

  • Visual identity and visual experience for your audience

Links and resources we discuss:

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