The Purpose Kit

Purpose is your clarity when you don’t know where to turn, your reason when you make decisions, your strength when times are tough. It helps you chart your course and keep steady in the direction you wish to head in your work and life. It helps you build connection and community, serving the world in a way that makes you happy. It’s what makes you and your business uniquely individual. Purpose unlocks the possibilities.

It’s also pretty much the hardest thing to figure out and nail down. Of course it is. It couldn’t be easy now, could it?

We are all so full up with conditioning, should dos and good and bad advice that it can feel impossible to sort through all the noise to find the truth. Meanwhile, that truth itself is flexing with our mood, our interests and our environment, so that when we think we see it it twirls away out of sight. Even when we grab a hold of it, we worry so much about it being ‘right’ that we doubt our own truth; I’ve lost count of the number of clients who, when talking through their purpose, have asked ‘is this what you wanted me to say?’.

It’s scary to know that the only one who can decide is yourself - but I promise that already know the answer. You just need some tools to help draw it out.


This kit covers…

  • Why Purpose, What Is It and How You Can Use It
    Understanding the concept of Purpose and how you can use it practically to frame your further thinking

  • What Do You Believe?
    Tools for sorting through all that noise and tune in to your intuition in order to find the truth that is already inside you

  • What Impact Do You Want To Have On The World?
    Finding your cause and how you can contribute to the world

  • What Lights You Up?
    Purpose is not martyrdom; find what drives and excites you as a human being

  • Creating Your Purpose Statements
    Drawing together your internal and external purpose into succinct statements to live by

  • Using Your Purpose
    How to apply your new-found purpose to your decision-making, business and day-to-day life

What you’ll get:

  • A pep talk video

  • A guide and workbook

  • Tasks and exercises to complete in each section

  • Journaling prompts

  • Further reading and resource lists to help you expand your learning

  • New ways to think about Purpose if you’ve struggled before

  • A greater understanding of yourself and what drives you

  • Clarity, direction and purpose!

This is for you if:

  • You want to start a purposeful business

  • You’ve got so far along a business journey but feel you’ve lost clarity and direction

  • You want to more deeply understand a fledgling purpose

  • You want to know how you can contribute to the world

  • You want to know how to serve others in a way that makes you happy
